Public Notice for the Allocation of Municipal Gardens in Lonato del Garda
The Municipality of Lonato del Garda has announced that residents can now apply for the allocation of municipal gardens at the property office.
Requirements for Participation
Residents of Lonato del Garda who meet one of the following requirements are eligible to apply:
– Pensioners over the age of 60;
– Unemployed individuals;
– Individuals with disabilities compatible with the purposes of the allocation, with at least one garden reserved for this purpose;
– Residents with an ISEE income lower than or equal to €10,000.00.
Those who are engaged in agricultural activities as their main occupation and those who have cultivated plots of land in the Lonato del Garda area are not eligible for the municipal gardens.
Characteristics and Location of the Gardens
The municipal gardens are intended for the production of flowers and vegetables for the personal consumption of the assignee and their family, with the prohibition of commercializing the products.
The management of the gardens is regulated by the Municipality, while the cultivation, associated responsibilities, ownership, and use of the cultivated products are the responsibility of the garden concessionaires.
The municipal administration assumes no civil or criminal liability for damages or accidents to individuals or property resulting from the management and cultivation of the gardens.
Only one garden will be granted per household, including cohabiting individuals in the same residence.
The area where the municipal gardens are located is in the “Lonatino” zone and covers an area of 2,380 square meters, identified by the cadastral sheet 36, parcel 56.
To submit an application, it is necessary to go to the property office of the Municipality of Lonato del Garda. You can find more information about this news here.
Italian Version