On **December 14**, a flash mob organized by **Azione** energized the parking lot of the **Brescia Sud** toll booth in response to the introduction of the **toll** along the **Corda Molle**. Protesters, armed with signs and banners, voiced their dissent not only against the toll itself but also against what they deemed misleading statements from the Minister of Transport, Matteo Salvini. The event was sparked by controversies surrounding the installation of informational signage regarding the transformation of the stretch between Montichiari and Ospitaletto into a toll highway.
Among the participants were local political figures, including the provincial secretary of Azione Brescia and councilor Marco Garza, along with city council members Fabrizio Benzoni and Luca Pomarici, as well as the mayor of Dello, Riccardo Canini. Garza stated that “the toll will heavily penalize the area” and urged the Ministry to listen to the concerns of the people of Brescia. He also recalled Salvini’s promises regarding the absence of tolls in the region, highlighting the community’s determination to continue the fight against this economic measure.
Italian Version