In the first two months of 2025, the air quality in Lombardy has shown a mixed picture, despite the winter being characterized by frequent disturbances that limited the prolonged high-pressure phases typical of the Pianura Padana. Eastern winds have contributed to improving the situation, but during brief episodes of high pressure, alarming peaks of fine particulate matter were recorded. Average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were found to be up to three times higher than the limits recommended by the WHO, with Milan and the capitals of the Lower Plain, such as Cremona and Lodi, among the most affected areas.
Barbara Meggetto, president of Legambiente Lombardia, emphasized how the high number of farms in the region negatively impacts the air quality, highlighting the need to rethink agricultural practices to protect both animal health and the well-being of citizens. The situation is further complicated by vehicular traffic in large cities, where Milan continues to experience days with pollution levels exceeding all limits. In this context, Legambiente is calling for decisive interventions to improve urban mobility and reduce the traffic impact on pollutant emissions.