The Municipality of Castiglione delle Stiviere announces that the application period for the civic recognition “Luigi D’Oro” for the year 2024 is now open. This award aims to highlight individuals and organizations that have contributed to the social, cultural, civil, and economic growth of the Castiglione community and have excelled in various fields.
Proposals for the award, including the motivation and other relevant information for evaluation, can be submitted until May 15th of each year by members of the Municipal Council, organizations, associations, groups of citizens, or individual citizens who have direct knowledge of deserving candidates.
For the year 2024, proposals must be sent to the protocol office of the Municipality by Monday, May 15th, 2024, via certified email (PEC) to the address or via regular email to The use of PEC is recommended as the preferred method.
Please note that the regulations for the award of the civic recognition are available on the Municipality’s website at in the “Guida ai servizi” (Guide to services) section, under the “Statuto e Regolamenti” (Statute and Regulations) category.