In Trentino, the installation of **bear-proof bins** and **ecological islands** continues to combat the presence of large carnivores in the most vulnerable areas. This initiative, promoted by the Large Carnivores Sector of the Wildlife Service and the Agency for Purification of the Autonomous Province of Trento, aims to install approximately 700 devices by 2025, with a total investment of 4.3 million euros. Recently, representatives from the Province conducted an on-site visit in the Paganella Plateau and Val di Sole to monitor the progress of the installations.
The multi-year plan aims to make food sources inaccessible to wildlife in urbanized areas and has already seen the establishment of 16 semi-buried ecological islands in the Paganella area. Additional funds will be allocated for the implementation of new structures in the coming years, thereby reaffirming the commitment of local authorities to ensure the safety of these territories through sustainable wildlife management.
Italian Version