CAST Alimenti, the renowned higher education school based in Brescia, has recently announced its entry into the Plena Education Group, thereby expanding its educational offerings with two new bachelor’s degree programs. These include a degree in English focused on management within the food & hospitality sector and a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts and hospitality. This development aligns with the school’s commitment to promoting gastronomy and preparing young professionals for qualified careers in the industry.
The innovative educational proposal features a practical approach, combining theoretical lessons with hands-on laboratory exercises, and benefits from collaboration with leading companies in the sector. The Bachelor in Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management is a first in Italy, aimed at training future entrepreneurs and managers in the food & hospitality fields. Additionally, CAST Alimenti will participate in Sigep 2025 from January 18 to 22, where it will offer experiential workshops for young professionals in the industry.