On **March 11, 1945**, Castel Venzago was the scene of a significant episode in the **history of World War II**, when Benito Mussolini’s car was machine-gunned by British fighter-bombers. On that day, the Duce was traveling from Gardone Riviera to Cavriana with his entourage and Nazi General Karl Wolff when they came under attack, forcing many vehicles to seek shelter in a courtyard. Mussolini himself took refuge in a barn, where he had an encounter with a local young woman. This little-known event is now recounted in the book “I Know Him, That One!” by Giorgio Mora and Morando Perini, which draws on authentic testimonies to outline the details of the assassination attempt.
The book highlights the dictator’s vulnerability during the attack and the Allies’ intention to eliminate him. After the bombardment, Mussolini continued on to Cavriana to attend a parade of the 13th Black Brigade Marcello Turchetti. Forty-nine days after that fateful day, the Duce would meet his end under dramatic circumstances at Piazzale Loreto.
Italian Version