On May 9th, the “Europe Day” is celebrated throughout the European Union, a day dedicated to peace, unity, and cooperation among member states. This day is particularly significant as it commemorates the historic declaration by Robert Schuman, made 74 years ago, which laid the foundation for the creation of a supranational European institution.
Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister at the time and a pioneer of the European project, proposed greater collaboration among European states to avoid armed conflicts. His idea was to pool the production of coal and steel, essential materials for the war industry, in order to prevent any country from independently manufacturing weapons of war and using them against others.
Schuman’s proposal led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the first supranational European institution. This was the first step towards building a federal European union that would guarantee peace and promote economic development among member countries.
Today, May 9th is celebrated as a symbol of the end of war and the beginning of a new era characterized by peace and cooperation. In light of the upcoming European elections on June 8th and 9th in Italy, the Offices of the European Parliament and the European Commission have launched the institutional campaign “Use Your Vote”. This campaign encourages citizens to recognize the importance of democratic voting and to exercise their right to vote consciously and responsibly.
In Lonato del Garda, citizens will also have the opportunity to participate in the European elections. Special arrangements will be made for those who cannot personally go to the polling station. The Municipality of Lonato del Garda offers a home voting service for people in certain health or disability conditions. Additionally, the right to permanent assisted voting is available for those with severe illnesses.
Participation in the European elections is an important moment to express one’s opinion and contribute to the construction of Europe. By using their vote, every citizen can influence political decisions and be an active part of the democratic process.
For more information on how to vote and the special arrangements offered in Lonato del Garda, you can visit the Municipality’s website.
The Europe Day represents an opportunity to reflect on the importance of unity and cooperation among the member states of the European Union. It is a time to celebrate the progress made in European integration and to renew the commitment to a future of peace and common prosperity.
Here you can find more information (Italian): [link](https://www.comune.lonato.bs.it/novita/news/giornata-deuropa-2024)
Italian Version