Starting from Tuesday, January 7, the schedules for the Tignale-Gargnano-Salò bus service have been changed, as announced by Arriva Italia srl. This adjustment, which will be implemented on a trial basis, involves an earlier departure time: the bus leaving Tignale, Prabione for Gargnano at 6:55 AM will now depart at 6:40 AM, resulting in subsequent changes to the following stops. Additionally, the bus from Gargnano to Salò originally scheduled for 7:25 AM will be moved to 7:20 AM. The return journey from Gargnano to Tignale will also be altered, with the departure that was initially set for 5:40 PM now occurring at 4:50 PM.
Furthermore, the internal urban bus service operated by Miki Tours will also see some adjustments in its schedule: the departure from Piovere to Piovere Valle is set for 6:50 AM, and the connection with the Arriva bus will leave Piovere Valle at 5:10 PM. These changes aim to enhance the efficiency of public transportation in the area and facilitate passenger movement between the various municipalities along the Brescia side of Lake Garda.