The exhibition “With Sword and Cross. Lombards in Civezzano” at the Castello del Buonconsiglio is approaching its conclusion, with the final day of opening set for Sunday, January 12. This showcase explores the history of the Lombards in Trentino through significant artifacts discovered in the tombs of the “princess” and the “prince” of Civezzano, and has been made possible through the collaboration between the Castello del Buonconsiglio and the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck. During the last days of the exhibition, special events are scheduled: on Saturday, January 11, a guided tour with curator Annamaria Azzolini, and on Sunday, January 12, a creative workshop for families.
Visitors will have the opportunity to admire significant historical artifacts such as the lavish sarcophagus of the “Prince of Civezzano” and the precious jewelry of the “Princess of Civezzano.” The educational workshop on Sunday will allow participants to replicate ornaments of Lombard weapons and jewelry, making the experience interactive for families. The fee for the workshop is 8 euros per family unit and is recommended for children aged 6 to 11 years.