Cloov, an innovative startup based in Lombardy, has recently triumphed in the Startup Competition at Innovation Village Retail, which took place from January 9 to 14 during Expo Riva Schuh & Gardabags. This event featured nine cutting-edge startups in the fashion retail sector, including Notarify, a Trentino-based platform dedicated to document management via Blockchain. Cloov stands out for its proposal of a multifunctional application that enables the rental, resale, and repair of products, providing personalized support in managing operations and logistics.
The panel of experts selected Cloov as the winner for its innovative project, which promotes a sustainable and responsible approach in the fashion industry. Thanks to this victory, Cloov will have the opportunity to showcase at the next edition of the event in June, thereby contributing to the spread of a culture of innovation and fostering networking between emerging and established entities in the commercial landscape.
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