In recent days, the phenomenon of poaching has taken on alarming proportions in the waters of Lago di Garda, where the presence of coregoni continues to decline. This critical situation is exacerbated not only by the ban on the introduction of new specimens in effect since 2021 and the species’ reproduction difficulties, but also by increasingly frequent reports of illegal fishing activities. During the spawning season, which runs from December to January, fines have been imposed on more than thirty fishermen caught violating the current ban, which remains in effect until January 31.
Law enforcement agencies have intensified their monitoring efforts in the area, discovering offenders attempting to use prohibited equipment such as scales and illegal nets, as well as fishermen without licenses or in possession of coregoni below the minimum size limit of 30 centimeters. The fight against poaching is becoming increasingly rigorous, with fines that can reach up to 2,000 euros for those who continue to endanger this already threatened species.