Corruption and Organized Crime in Alto Garda: 9 Arrests Including the Mayor of Riva. A significant operation by the Prosecutor’s Office of Trento has resulted in the arrest of nine individuals, including the mayor of Riva del Garda, Cristina Santi. The investigation has involved a total of 77 suspects and has led to the issuance of an international arrest warrant for René Benko, a well-known Austrian entrepreneur. The Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza conducted operations in various locations throughout Trentino Alto Adige, resulting in the house arrest of four professionals, three entrepreneurs, and a municipal official.
The investigations revealed a business group capable of influencing public decisions in the local construction sector, with accusations ranging from organized crime to bid rigging. It has come to light that some entrepreneurs allegedly financed electoral campaigns in exchange for favors related to real estate projects. Over 100 searches were carried out in provinces such as Trento, Bolzano, and Milan, while the proceedings are currently in the preliminary stages.