On January 28, 2025, the European Data Protection Day will be celebrated, providing an important opportunity to reflect on cybersecurity and the significance of cyber hygiene. In this context, Giada Sciarretta and Matteo Rizzi from the “Security & Trust” unit of the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento offer practical advice for enhancing online security habits. Cyber hygiene encompasses a range of behaviors aimed at protecting personal information from cyberattacks, data theft, and other privacy threats. Among the most significant recommendations are the use of strong and unique passwords for each service, enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA), and utilizing email aliases to safeguard one’s digital identity.
Sciarretta emphasizes the importance of avoiding predictable passwords such as “123456” or “password,” instead suggesting long and complex passphrases. Rizzi adds that regularly monitoring accounts and enabling login notifications can help identify suspicious activity. By adopting these best practices, every user can actively contribute to their own security in the digital world, thereby reducing the risk of compromising their personal data.