Postal voting is an option offered to voters who are severely ill and unable to leave their homes. This opportunity, provided by decree-law no. 1 of January 3, 2006, converted into law no. 22 of January 27, 2006, and subsequently amended by law no. 46 of May 7, 2009, allows these individuals to cast their vote while being dependent on life-sustaining electromedical equipment.
The law also extends the right to postal voting to other categories of voters who are unable to travel due to serious illnesses. In particular, reference is made to article 29 of law no. 104 of February 5, 1992, which states that leaving the home in which they reside is impossible even with the assistance of public transport services organized by municipalities to facilitate disabled voters’ access to polling stations.
To request postal voting, interested parties must submit a declaration to the Mayor of the Municipality by May 20, 2024, or by the twentieth day preceding the voting date. The declaration must be sent on plain paper and must include the complete address of the voter’s residence. Additionally, a copy of the voter’s card, a copy of their identification document, and a medical certificate issued by a medical official designated by the Local Health Authority must be attached to the declaration. The medical certificate must attest to the presence of the conditions of illness or continuous and vital dependence on electromedical equipment.
The medical certificate may also attest to the need for an assistant to exercise the right to vote. It is important to note that the provisions on postal voting only apply if the applicant resides in the Municipality for which they are a voter.
For further information on how to request postal voting in Lonato del Garda, you can contact the Municipality’s demographic services.
Italian Version