A violent brawl took place on the afternoon of Sunday, March 16 in the Cinque Continenti neighborhood of Castiglione delle Stiviere, involving several individuals of Indian nationality. The alert was raised shortly before 3 PM when clashes among compatriots were reported, including three men aged 48, 66, and 41, as well as a 59-year-old woman. During the incident, stabbings occurred, prompting the intervention of an air ambulance to transport one of the injured to the Poliambulanza hospital in Brescia; fortunately, his condition is not serious, and he was admitted in yellow code.
Additionally, two individuals were hospitalized in yellow code at the Mantova hospital, while another was admitted in green code at the local hospital. The Carabinieri of the Castiglione delle Stiviere Company also arrived at the scene to investigate the dynamics of the brawl and gather testimonies to reconstruct the events.