The alert regarding scams in Gargnano continues to raise concerns, prompting the Municipality to organize two community meetings. These events, aimed at raising awareness about the safety of the elderly, will be held in collaboration with the local parish and the Carabinieri Command. The first meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 2, at 10:15 AM at the church in the Sasso district, while the second will take place on Sunday, March 9, at 9:30 AM at the San Francesco church in Gargnano. To facilitate participation, a transportation service will be available by reservation through the Social Services office.
During both events, the short film “Vademekum – Grandparents, don’t open that door” will be screened, accompanied by valuable advice from law enforcement on how to handle risky situations. Recently, a new scam attempt was reported in Gargnano, specifically in the Navazzo district, where criminals tried to deceive an individual using the pretext of a fake family accident to obtain money or valuables. Fortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful, but it highlights the urgency of addressing the issue through informative meetings to protect the community.