Giovanni Paoli from Brescia, known in Mexico as Juan Pablos, is recognized as the first person to bring printing to the New World. Originally from the Riviera of Salò and illiterate, Paoli moved to Venice to learn the art of printing perfected by Gutenberg. After working for the prestigious German printer Cromberger in Seville, he was tasked with setting up a printing press in Mexico City in 1539 to produce Bibles and religious texts needed for the conversion of the local population.
Despite logistical difficulties and the initial lack of local paper, Paoli managed to print the first American book by the end of the year. His work continued successfully until 1548 when a shipwreck near Hispaniola disrupted the necessary supplies. However, with the foundation of the University of Mexico City in 1553, Paoli’s work regained momentum until his death in 1560. His wife briefly continued the business before selling it, leaving a significant legacy in the history of American printing.
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