Until January 9, 2025, the MarteS Museum of Sorlini Art in Calvagese della Riviera will host the work “Saint Michael the Archangel” by Fra’ Girolamo da Brescia, coming from the collections of the Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati in Vicenza. This loan is the result of a collaboration between the Luciano Sorlini Foundation and the Vicentine civic museums, which has been active since 2022. The exhibition provides an opportunity to reassess the Brescian artist, whose work was previously misattributed to Andrea del Castagno.
In conjunction with the exhibition, two in-depth meetings are scheduled: the first, led by professor Mauro Lucco on November 7, will focus on the figure of Fra’ Girolamo, while the second, conducted by Marco Merlo on December 5, will explore sixteenth-century armatures. Both events are free, but advance reservation is required on the museum’s website.