The masterpiece by Gianantonio Pellegrini, titled “Salmace and Hermaphroditus”, returns to Calvagese della Riviera after being loaned to the Civic Museum of Vicenza. Created around 1710 and regarded as an emblematic example of Venetian Rococo, the work will once again be displayed in the permanent collection of the MarteS Museum of Sorlini Art starting Thursday, February 13. To celebrate the return of the artwork, the Sorlini Foundation is organizing a meeting titled “Salmace and Hermaphroditus: Gianantonio Pellegrini, from Veneto to Europe and back,” where speaker Emanuele Principi from the University of Padua will delve into the history and iconographic innovations of the painting.
The canvas depicts a mythological scene from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, in which Salmace prays to the gods for the chance to unite eternally with Hermaphroditus. This work not only reflects the Rococo aesthetic but also showcases Pellegrini’s skill in conveying emotions through color and light. After being exhibited in Vicenza alongside 18th-century works by Tiepolo and Pittoni, “Salmace and Hermaphroditus” further enriches the already extensive collection of the MarteS, which celebrates Venetian art of the 17th and 18th centuries.