The School Days at the Vittoriale are an annual event that celebrates the end of the school year. This event involves primary and secondary schools that have collaborated with the educational office of the Vittoriale, offering them two days to present projects dedicated to Gabriele d’Annunzio and the history of the monumental complex.
In the 2023-2024 school year, the theme of the project was “Relentless Beauty”. The objectives of this project were multiple. Firstly, it aimed to activate a comparative analysis of the celebration of beauty according to the standards and literary and artistic production of Gabriele d’Annunzio, comparing it with contemporary beauty. The participating classes had the opportunity to research and enhance beauty through the study of history, culture, and arts of their own context and territory, discovering the many beauties that Italy has to offer.
Furthermore, the project aimed to foster the creation of a paper or multimedia product or an individual or group activity that represented and developed the concept of beauty through the students’ creativity. This could be done at various levels of school commitment and could include images, drawings, photos, sculptures, or representative objects.
Finally, the project aimed to promote skills related to teamwork, conducting research, and making relevant use of sources, both organizational and digital.
The School Days at the Vittoriale therefore offer students the opportunity to explore Italian cultural heritage and develop their creativity through projects dedicated to Gabriele d’Annunzio and beauty. This event represents an important moment for the schools that have collaborated with the educational office of the Vittoriale during the school year, offering them the opportunity to present the results of their projects and celebrate the end of the school year together. You can find more information about this news here.
Italian Version