A traffic accident that occurred on Thursday morning in Lonato involved two vehicles, one of which overturned due to a failure to yield. The incident took place around 7 AM at the intersection of Via Trivellino and Via Duca degli Abruzzi, on Provincial Road 668. A Mercedes driven by a 54-year-old woman failed to yield to another car, resulting in a collision that caused the second vehicle to end up on its roof.
The driver of the second vehicle, a 53-year-old woman, became trapped in the cabin and was rescued by the firefighters from Brescia. Fortunately, she sustained only minor injuries and was transported in yellow code to the hospitals of Desenzano and Poliambulanza by ambulances from the Croce Bianca and the Public Rescue of Calcinato. The accident investigation has been entrusted to the Traffic Police to determine the dynamics of the events.