The Municipality of Riva del Garda has officially made available on its electronic notice board the call for proposals for the creation of decorations and activities related to the upcoming Christmas season. Applications must be submitted by July 8th.
The main objective is to create a calendar of events and Christmas decorations that can attract both residents and tourists, animating the streets and squares of the city with various Christmas-themed proposals. The call is aimed at non-profit organizations and non-profit entities, individually or in collaboration, with the intention of supporting original, innovative, and inclusive projects that are in line with the local context.
Selection Criteria for Projects:
The projects will be evaluated with particular attention to the following aspects:
– Tourism promotion and economic development.
– Installation of Christmas lights.
– Organization of a food and wine market.
– Involvement of local associations.
– Additional promotional activities.
– Improvement proposals related to the submitted project.
– Diversification and quantification of self-financing.
Application Procedure:
To consult and download the call, it is necessary to access the “Comune” section on the website of the Municipality of Riva del Garda (, where under the “Atti” section in the right column, you will find the “Albo pretorio” entry. Applications must be sent exclusively in PDF format by 24:00 on July 8th to the certified email address, indicating “Public Call for Support of Tourist Attraction Projects. Christmas 2024” as the subject.
Required Documentation:
It is essential to include all the required documentation as specified in the call itself. Incomplete or late submissions will result in exclusion from the selection process.
This call represents a significant opportunity to contribute to the liveliness of the Christmas season in Riva del Garda, promoting initiatives that can further enhance the city during one of the most enchanting times of the year.
Italian Version