The femicide in Castiglione has sparked a heated debate during the trial of Dumitru Stratan, who is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend Yana Malaiko on the night of January 20. During the hearing, defense attorney Gregorio Viscomi argued that this is a case of unintentional homicide, dismissing the notion of premeditation and requesting a reduced sentence. According to the defense, Stratan did not act with murderous intent, emphasizing that Yana may have died as a result of an accidental fall while she was hidden in a suitcase.
Viscomi also questioned the circumstances surrounding the murder, highlighting that the defendant’s behavior is inconsistent with that of someone who plans a murder. He referenced surveillance footage and other evidence to demonstrate that Stratan had no intention of killing Yana. The hearing is set to conclude on March 6 with closing statements and the final verdict, while the prosecutor continues to seek a life sentence for the defendant.