In the town of Gavardo, firefighters intervened to remove a large tree that had become stuck in the canal beneath a bridge. The tree posed a risk of obstructing the flow of water or even ending up in the hydroelectric power plant downstream.
After an assessment by specialists and in agreement with the mayor and the water consortium, a lowering of the canal level was planned to ensure the safety of the operators during the intervention. Anchors were set up upstream and a monitoring team was stationed downstream to ensure on-site safety.
The firefighters proceeded to dislodge the tree and then recovered it in pieces using an excavator. The local police were also present at the scene.
This operation was necessary to prevent potential damage to the river ecosystem and the hydroelectric power plant. Thanks to the timely intervention of the firefighters, the proper flow of water was restored without causing further problems.
You can read more about the news here.
Italian Version