Castiglione delle Stiviere: road accident involving a 14-year-old girl requires hospitalization. Yesterday, Saturday, February 1st, a serious accident occurred in Castiglione delle Stiviere when a 14-year-old student was struck by a car while crossing the street on Via Cavour. The alert was raised around 1 PM, and the emergency services from Croce Rosa responded with a red code to assist the young girl, who resides in Montichiari.
The driver of the vehicle, a 25-year-old motorist, stopped immediately after the impact. Medical personnel, who arrived on the scene with an emergency vehicle and ambulance, assessed the seriousness of the situation and requested air ambulance support from Brescia. The girl was transported in yellow code to Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo; fortunately, her condition does not appear to be life-threatening.