A provincial working group, composed of various organizations and associations, has promoted a training course on Age Management that will take place on May 14th at the Department of Education in Trento. The event is aimed at professionals from all sectors, particularly employers and those responsible for worker safety and well-being. Topics such as the aging workforce and the enhancement of skills will be discussed during the meeting.
The training course has been accredited for Continuing Medical Education (CME) and is valid for the periodic update of employers, executives, Occupational Health and Safety Managers (RSPP), Worker Safety Representatives (RLS), and workers. It also contributes to the achievement of the national CME objective “safety and hygiene in workplaces and related pathologies”.
The scientific coordinators of the event are Ilaria Simonelli, a health sociologist at Apss, and Eleonora Negri, responsible for training activities at Upipa.
The event will begin at 9 am with the presentation of the contents of the Provincial Prevention Plan by Marta Legniaioli. Subsequently, Elena Bravi will talk about health promotion applied to the workplace, and Maria Grazia Zuccali will discuss the context of life and work in health promotion. Ilaria Simonelli and Lorenzo Vieno will delve into the topic of “Workplaces that promote health”. Aspects related to Age Management will then be addressed by Silvia Eccher, Nadia Martinelli, and Manuala Faggioni. In the second part of the morning, some specific projects and cases will be presented.
Registrations for the event must be made by May 10th through the website www.ecmtrento.it. For further information about the program, you can visit the Apss website at the following link: https://www.apss.tn.it/Novita/Eventi/Age-management-e-strategie-per-la-promozione-della-salute-delle-lavoratrici-e-dei-lavoratori-in-Provincia-autonoma-di-Trento.
Italian Version