This summer, young residents of Peschiera del Garda will have a unique opportunity to participate in two initiatives promoted by the municipality: the summer volunteering program and the experiential campus with the cooperative.
The municipality of Peschiera del Garda invites young people born between 2006 and 2010 to become volunteers in summer camps. This experience, which will take place in July and August at the Broglie childhood summer center and the summer centers for primary and secondary schools, offers an economic recognition in the form of Amazon vouchers. Participants will receive €55.00 for two weeks of commitment, with the possibility, in exceptional cases, to extend up to four weeks for a total of €110.00.
To register, it is necessary to fill out the form available on the municipality’s website, which can be sent via email or delivered in person at the Informagiovani office. The application period opens on May 13th and closes on June 12th. Selected participants will be notified via WhatsApp and will have to attend a training course in June.
Another interesting initiative is the experiential summer campus, aimed at young people born between 2008 and 2010. This program offers the opportunity to carry out practical work such as playground maintenance and school painting, with a reimbursement of €2.00 per hour. The campus is available in August, from one to four weeks.
For this opportunity as well, candidates must fill out the form on the municipality’s website and submit it via email or in person at the Informagiovani office. The registration window is from May 13th to July 15th. All registered participants will attend an initial meeting and a short training course offered in collaboration with the Hermete cooperative and the Educational Service.
For further information, interested young people can directly contact the responsible persons at the Educational Service by phone or email. These initiatives not only offer young people the opportunity to actively contribute to the community during the summer months but also represent an important educational and personal growth experience.
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